Vision of Shahab Sharq Printing Company:

Becoming one of the first three brands in Iran in the field of printing and converting packaging wrappers

Mission of Shahab Sharq Company:

We are here to use all our facilities and knowledge by providing the best quality in the field of printing foils for medicine, food and other industries; To achieve our organizational goal, which is customer satisfaction, and this is the only strategic reason for the existence of Shahab Shargh Printing Company.

Organizational values:

- Honesty of employees
- Belief in committed and competent employees as the best asset
- Justice
- the trust
- Create motivation in your employees
  More profitability of the organization

- Commitment to the goals and objectives of the organization
- Partnership and cooperation
- Organizational attitude per
- Single and individual attitude

- Customer oriented
- Effective and efficient (doing work the right way)
- delegation of authority
- Continuous improvement (there is always a better way to do things)
- Consequentialism
- Planning and arrangement