About us

About Shahab Shargh Company


With 30 years of brilliant history, Shahab Sharq Company is proud to cooperate with the country's industrial community in the field of printing and converting packaging wrappers for pharmaceutical and health products.

The main medicinal activities of this collection are:

1- Preparation of raw materials

  • Preparation of external 20 micron bilisting foils.
  • Preparation of inks for printing on bilisting foils with high thermal resistance. Foil preparation.
  • Alu Alu or alloforming with a thickness of 135 microns.

2- Printing and pre-printing design services

  • Printing with Italian Helio C.M.R machine with the ability to print on bi-string foils from 12 to 100 microns with a width of 40 to 450 mm with the ability to print in one color, two colors, three colors and four colors.

3- Cutting.

  • Cutting with the Italian Bielloni machine with the ability to cut pharmaceutical, dairy, alu alu (cold forming) and talc foils (p.v.c and p.v.d.c) from 7 to 150 microns from 20 to 1200 mm wide with the ability to twist on 3 inch and 6 inch bobbins.

4- Cylinder making

  • Manufacturing and engraving of heliogravure cylinders and chrome analogs for flexo and thermo printing for laminate and varnish.

Shahab Sharq Collection is proud to cooperate with more than 155 pharmaceutical companies, including:

Actoverco, Soha, Mehrdaro Jabraben Hayan, Ave Sina, Amin Isfahan, Osweh, Medava, Raha, Iran Daruk, Hakim, Mina, Shahrdaro Rojin Daro, Mehrdaro, Kowsar, Porsina, Tuliddaro, Afashimi, Galenus, Rozdaro, Mehban Daro, Tek Gene Aria, Iran Hormon, World of Health, Baran, Aburihan Koshan Pharmed, Bio Ferment, Chemidaro, Behestan Todhan, Pars Derman Daro, Akhtar, Bakhtar Biochemi, Biosan Pharmed, Elixir, Hayati Karen, Kharazmi Mofid Teb, Soban Daro Tadbir Kala. Bahar Paya, Milad Development, Toan Nik, Akhtar Aria, Nanvalund, Pars Gitadaro, Nikasa Pharmd, Alhawi, Temad, Ahran Tejarat Delta, Dana Daro, Faradaro Albazar Pharmed, Viralian Group, Nile Group, Pharmed Phatec Chemi Hegmatan Daru Hayat, Omid Parsina Knowledge, Kimia Salamat Hilia Sazan Zahrawi, Razan, Ashbal Chemi Pharmed, Rozhan Aylar Teb, Daru Sanat, Hero Daru, Nishan Techera Pharmed, Alena Pharmed.

It is hoped that this collection will take a long step towards your satisfaction with the help of experienced and experienced personnel and by preparing the best raw materials.

Peace be upon you

Management of Shahab Sharq Ghafarian Company

ShahabShargh Management
Shahab Shargh Management


ISO 9001 Certificate
ISO 14001 Certificate
ISO 45001 Certificate

Printing House Workspace

Printing House Workspace Of ShahabShargh Company
Printing House Workspace Of Shahab Sharq Company
Printing House Workspace Of Shahabshargh Co
Printing House Workspace Of Shahab Shargh Company
Printing House Workspace Of ShahabSharq Company
Printing House Workspace Of Shahab Shargh Co
Printing House Devices Of Shahab Shargh Company