We, the employees of Shahab Sharq Company, in order to respect and observe the social rights of all employees, customers and beneficiaries, always consider ourselves obliged to comply with the following principles and standards:

Principle 1: Business ethics

Adhering to business principles based on respect and responsibility

Alignment with the laws governing the country, maintaining and creating a pattern of commercial behavior

Emphasis on customer-oriented culture and respect for stakeholders and customers

Principle 2: The commitment of employees towards the company

In the position of service, the priority is to be kind and open-minded, and finally, politeness, humility and precision, in order to fulfill assigned duties.

Respecting organizational rules and regulations and complying with them

Adherence to honesty and integrity, fairness, teamwork culture, self-belief, teachability.

Commitment and adherence to organizational relationships and respect for colleagues in order to create a healthy environment

Having a work conscience and using all one's effort to perform assigned duties.

Privacy protection.

Principle 3: Responsiveness to customers

Great emphasis on customer satisfaction and fulfilling their rightful demands

Honest response, punctuality, commitment and precision in providing the desired and frank services with respect to the customer

Trustworthiness, honesty, humility and responsibility towards the customer.

Fulfilling orders on time and avoiding wasting customers' time

Principle 4: Non-discriminatory behavior

Emphasis on the main criterion of the professional development of employees, their ability and capability, their knowledge and experience in performing their duties, their sense of responsibility and the degree of dependence and interest in complying with the principles and regulations and quality management systems of the organization.

Principle 5: Protection of company information and assets

Protection of all company assets provided to employees, both material and non-material, such as tools and equipment, executive procedures, instructions, maps, customer information and study and development programs of the company, etc.

Legal action in case of any violation or illegal actions

Principle 6: The policy of religion and disclosure

Reporting any violations in compliance with legal regulations, destruction of organization's property, activities disturbing the safety and comfort of employees

Report of unauthorized and secret departure of tangible and intangible assets of the organization outside the company

Report any destructive provocation and disturbance

Refrain from providing any false and misleading information and reports

Principle 6: Ethical policy of managers towards employees

Emphasis on training and improving the level of knowledge and capabilities of colleagues, the opportunity for career advancement, enjoying fair and sufficient rights, trying to make organizational communication and meritocracy easy.

Providing advice and different solutions to improve the performance level of employees and provide services to customers

Follow up on compliance of employees' behavior with this charter

Principle 7: Ethical policy towards competitors

Emphasis on respect for competitors, fair approach, avoiding destruction and bad advertising, maintaining the privacy and confidentiality of competitors